Learn long exposure in photography step by step

The more we talk about photography and cameras, the more we confirm that the imaging technology originally depends on light, whether this is entering the sensor aperture through the lens or that which surrounds it. And with the different exposure of the sensor to light, the shooting modes differ, and thus the final result varies. Hence the long exposure mode which results in a different final image from the other modes.

Long Exposure Photography depends on exposing the sensor to light for as long as possible, which is evident from the name of this mode, which necessarily needs to be modified and changed the camera settings to match this time the sensor will be exposed to light.

long exposure in photography

Learn how to shoot in long exposure mode step-by-step Through our knowledge of photography science, we know that long exposure to light means entering the largest possible amount of light to the sensor, which will necessarily lead to spoiling the image by appearing completely in white only, which needs to be adjusted for the width of the sensor aperture and the ISO rate To control this ratio and thus obtain the desired result.

Also Read: The definition of aperture in photography and how to control it

Why do we need long exposure photography then? Simply because this is the ideal mode for low-light photography, which helps to capture the smallest details as possible even in the weakest lighting conditions that the camera can deal with, and it can also be used to obtain various other technical results such as producing lines of light from moving lights, water freezing, etc. One of the great tools, which you can learn about some of them through the gallery provided by The Photo Argus.

long exposure in photography

Learn how to shoot long exposure step-by-step and because some novice photographers do not know how and the rules for long exposure photography, in this article we provide a step-by-step guide for this mode from shooting from holding the camera to reaching the final result.

Also Read: 10 Tips for Taking a Portrait Photography Correctly

A guide to long exposure photography

  • Determine the frame of the picture and its composition with the importance of paying attention to the edges of the frame and make sure that during the period of capturing the long exposure photo, no element, whether people, animals or vehicles, will enter the image from any of its sides in the case of photographing an image that is not accustomed to producing light lines from Auto lighting.
  • Mount the camera on a sturdy, sturdy tripod, then attach the camera’s remote control button.
  • If the camera lens includes any of the image stabilization or vibration reduction systems, turn these systems off to reduce their ability to work during long exposure capture, which will cause the image to vibrate, not to stabilize it.
  • It is best to use manual focus when taking the picture, and we recommend using Live View to make sure that the focus is in its best settings, and in the case of using auto focus, make sure to disable it once you get the correct focus.
long exposure in photography
  • Long exposure: With Aperture Priority, specify the desired depth of field. Then, using the lowest possible ISO range, take a test photo and then jot down the shutter speed that the camera will automatically select. It is also preferable to use the Histogram to ensure that the exposure settings are correct, and the exposure settings can be used to correct them in case they are not correct, then take another test image.
  • Install the ND filter of your preference, and be careful not to change focus or accidentally move the lens when attaching the filter.
  • Calculate the required shutter speed depending on the strength of the filter that has been installed, and the shutter speed is calculated in this case by doubling the shutter speed that you previously recorded in step number 5 for each degree of light reduction that the filter is capable of and that you will find listed on the filter. Do not change the ISO rates nor the sensor aperture settings.
  • Learn how to shoot in long exposure mode, step by step, in the event that the shutter speed exceeds thirty seconds, turn the camera on manual mode and enter your previous settings through the control dials, and in the event that the speed is less than thirty seconds, turn the camera on the Bulb mode Mode with determining the required sensor aperture and controlling the shutter speed through the remote control button.
  • Cover the Viewfinder port to prevent light from leaking into the camera, which could ruin your long exposure while taking it.
  • Take the photo with Mirror lock-up mode on or with Live View mode on.
  • After taking the photo, view it and check the exposure settings by drawing a graph, then zooming in on the image to ensure its clarity and sharpness.
  • In the event that the long-exposure picture is underexposed or overexposed, reduce or increase the shutter speed according to the situation, and then take the photo again.
  • In the end, we recommend that in all cases it is preferable to take more than one image to verify the best possible result, which will differ between each image, even while keeping the same settings in each image.